Technical due diligence review for Kwinana Waste-to-Energy Plant, Australia

Technical due diligence review for Kwinana Waste-to-Energy Plant, Australia

The client was developing a 400,000 tpa waste-to-energy plant in Kwinana, Perth, Western Australia, building upon Fichtner’s previous due diligence services conducted for the project. The client has engaged Fichtner to update the technical due diligence report to reflect the current status of the project and EPC and O&M contractor selection. Fichtner has focussed on EPC contract pricing and contractor replacement strategy, operation and maintenance contract, implementation schedule analysis, contractor capability assessment and financial model technical input. The services have been executed over a four-month period and have been provided on a reliance basis.


  • Technical due diligence review
  • Contractor capability assessment
  • Technical input for financial model

Technical data

  • Yearly throughput of 400,000 tpa
  • Two 4-pass vertical boiler plants with combustion grate
  • Air pollution control systems comprising SNCR DeNOx, NID reactors and fabric filters


Macquarie Corporate Holdings Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia