Examining the operational demand in the electricity market, Australia
Fichtner has been contracted to examine the efficacy of the Australian energy market operator AEMO. The scope includes AEMO’s operational demand forecasting system (DFS), large-scale wind generation forecasting system (AWEFS), large-scale solar generation forecasting system (ASEFS1) and rooftop solar generation forecasting system (ASEFS2). Fichtner supports decision making by the Real Time Operations staff in managing the security and reliability of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM). This review includes an assessment of the suitability of AEMO’s operational forecasting systems and provides a critique and suggestions for improvement.
- Comparison of AEMO’s weather input data with its own global weather data sources
- Case study for one NEM region, comparing AEMO’s modeled wind, solar and demand forecasts with those modeled by Fichtner
- Review of the use of geostationary satellite data for short-term forecasting and the assessment of extreme events
- Assessment of the suitability of AEMO’s operational forecasting systems
- Suggestions for improvement